Sniperzden Paintball Park


Group Events: Sniperzden Paintball Park

Enjoy a heart pounding game of Paintball with your group. Inquire about times and dates for your tour by clicking the "Send Inquiry" button.

Parties: Sniperzden Paintball Park

Have your next birthday or fun get together battling it out in a game of Paintball! Inquire about times and dates for parties by clicking the "Send Inquiry" button.

Corporate Event: Sniperzden Paintball Park

What better way to bond as a company than a friendly (or not-so-friendly:) game of Paintball! Inquire about times and dates for events by clicking the "Send Inquiry"


Business Overview

SNIPERZDEN PAINTBALL PARK - Features over 50 acres of playable areas for many play styles. Hyberball, Speedball, Woodsball, Scenario Play. ? We have 3+ acre Village featuring several buildings and trenchs and also includes our hyber/speedball course. There is variable terra Read more
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